Saturday, July 29, 2017

Wynnwood Park Walking Series

My friend Kevin, aka KD Solo, posted on Facebook that he'd like to do the 19 caches in the Wynnwood Park Walking Trail series today. My mom, sister and I joined 11 other cachers at the trailhead to do some caching and walking. I really enjoy caching with groups sometimes. Walking and talking can make the time and distance really seem much less than what it is.

 HOWEVER! WOW! It was so stinking hot! I had one bottle of water with me and I really needed 2 by the time I was finished with the 3 mile hike! Hydrate people!  I can't stress that enough.

The path and area are really nice, so if you want to do this series, here's a link to the first cache:

Wynnwood Park Walking Trail #1

 Here is most of the group before heading out.
 The trail was wide and flat the whole way. Hikers have to share the trail with golf carts for awhile.
 Water hazard for the golfers: nice view for us
 One side was the golf course and one side was this
 I didn't see much wildlife today. The animals were smart enough to stay out of the intense heat.
 We spied a huge tire in the field. We were too hot and tired to go investigate.
 Cool vegetation
 I love these garden spiders. 
 It was so hot by the time we got to the 1.5 mile that I was ready to just dive on in!
 Here we are at the farthest point. We are ready to find the final 4 caches in the series and get out of the heat!
It wouldn't be a blog without a nice nature photo!